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How do I know if my dog is a good candidate for hikes or pack walks?

In general, dogs who are social and comfortable around other dogs and people are the best candidates for group hikes. Dogs are individuals with different play styles, personalities, energy and obedience levels therefore we have a comprehensive interview process to get to know your pup so we can set them up for success with a positive pack composition.

What if my dog doesn’t have the best manners or is not used to being off leash can he/she still participate in the Trail Etiquette?

We evaluate each individual dog's suitability for group hikes. There are many factors that we consider in order to keep each dog safe as well as the safety of the group overall. Most dogs are quick learners when given a predictable routine and a consistent training program. We work on foundational skills in every session and every dog has their own pace when learning these skills. In addition, we spend time building trust and a bond with each dog until we feel that he/she is ready to go off leash but for an extra layer of precaution each participant wears a GPS Tracking Collar. 

How does my dog get started? 

Each new group candidate receives a Evaluation Day with only Vivian so she can assess his/her comfort level outdoors in the hiking environment, responsiveness to her as your dog's handler, his/her ability to perform to basic obedience cues under the distractions of the outdoors. Then each dog who joins our pack in either the Trail Etiquette must attend a minimum of 2 sessions of the Walk Etiquette program and is slowly integrated into the group.

Do I need to feed my dog before pick-up?

Please do not feed your dog prior to 3 hours beforehand. We will be providing high value treats to reinforce positive behaviour during the session. If needed we will make arrangements to feed your dog upon arrival home after the hike. 

Are you insured?

Yes, we maintain current liability insurance, business license, policies and Canine First Aid/CPR. 

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